Fire Services
Connection to your onsite fire panel is easy with Fusion. Modern fire panels have an RS232 serial or Ethernet connection onboard which can directly integrate with the Fusion EMM.
Some legacy Fire panels may only have a relay output or LED instead, however even these types of fire alarms can still be integrated using the Fusion ADM product.
When an alarm is detected by the Fire panel, the Fusion EMM will notify staff via their mobile device. The type of device or staff members messaged, may automatically change depending on the time of day or which staff are on shift.
Fusion can also automatically trigger devices such as lights, sirens, fire doors, LED displays and even text to speech PA speakers to warn of the critical event.
Certain two way devices, such as mobiles phones and DECT handsets even have the ability to acknowledge the alarm and stop further escalations of the message.
Another common use case for fire services is to use Fusion as an emergency notification system in remote towns or cities. Fire service personnel can be manually notified when there is severe weather, fires or attendance to an emergency is required.
The dispatch operator simply logs into the secure web interface, selects the appropriate contacts or groups and types in the message. Canned (pre-programmed) messages can be entered to speed up message dispatch if required.
Pagers in this scenario are a great option, since they do not rely on cellular networks which are often overloaded or offline during emergency situations.